Kris Sinclair

I'm just a father, husband, and pastor who is trying to live a life that will still matter 10,000 years from now.

Orlando and The Church’s Response

In the event of a tragedy where human lives are lost, it is a shame when the church judges the weight of that tragedy by the sins of those involved rather than the inherit worth and dignity that each person carries as an image-bearer of God. Our response to tragedy, first and foremost, should always be to grieve at the destruction of the glory of God that is inherent in every single human being, not to try and turn the victims and those we consider less holy than us into political talking points.

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Your Selfies Are Ruining You

In a faith that requires all of its adherents to deny themselves, pick up their crosses, and follow Christ, constantly putting ourselves in the spotlight is completely antithetical to our calling. We are supposed to “do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than [our]selves” (Philippians 2:3). It’s hard to see how posting a constant barrage of selfies embodies this principle.

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The Authority of the Believer

Satan and his demons are very real and are waging war against God. As believers, we are involved in that war and if we are unaware of the authority we have, what we can and cannot do, then we usually end up on the losing side of the battle. That’s the point of this post: to shed some light on the authority that we have as believers and to equip you with the knowledge and faith needed to withstand the enemy’s attacks.

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