The Same as Yours
No need to ask for your share because these scars are the same as yours.
It’s interesting to think what kinds of beauty could be released into the world if we decided to regularly take time to block out all the noise and immerse ourselves into the beauty that’s there.
The Beauty That’s There Read More »
The rough, splintered wood scraped against her neck, raw and bleeding. Unable to take another step, she gave in to the weight of her crosspiece, allowing it to push her to the ground.
Love doesn’t think of its own, it doesn’t keep a record of wrongs, and it doesn’t pile a heap of expectations upon the recipient. But what love does do is require sacrifice from the giver. Baked into the act of love is pain.
I’m often caught off guard by the grace of God, much like a man who finds a treasure buried in the middle of nowhere, in the place he least expects it to be.
When words don’t seem enough, my fear cannot be spoken, I can only try and show it.
When Words Don’t Seem Enough Read More »