Current Events

Christ Who is Your Life

When we are assured that our Treasure will never be lost, generosity will abound. When we are assured that our Righteousness will never be taken away, holiness will become more appealing. When we are assured that our Sanctification will never depart form us, then the fight for purity will become easier. When we are assured that our lives will never end, then sacrifice for the Gospel becomes an easier decision.

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The Humanizing Effect of Sympathy

After you take the time to truly understand another person, when you are intentional about listening with the goal of understanding them, you find they become more human. They’re not a moral monster, a corrupt foe, or some deluded idiot. They are a human being that bears the image of your Creator, just as you do. They have hopes, dreams, and desires, just as you do. And they are pursuing Joy the best way they know how, just as you are.

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The Problem of Poverty

Despite the lifestyle of most modern Christians, poverty is an ethical problem with which Christians need to deal. At least 80% of the global population lives on less than $10 a day. Where most Americans would consider making even $10 an hour as outrageous, the majority of the human race considers that kind of wage an abundance. This is certainly a Christian problem—and more heavily, it is an American Christian problem. Specifically speaking about American Christians, Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert remark that “by any measure, we are the richest people to ever walk on planet Earth.”

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