
Unfading Joy and Immeasurable Strength: Eulogy for Lindsey Sinclair Oliver (1982-2012)

The purpose of this message is threefold. One, I want nothing more than for my precious Lord and savior to be glorified. I pray that He has been. Two, I so desperately want the legacy of my beautiful sister to be one of lasting effect. And three, this message is an invitation: an invitation to join my sister in her celebration of joy and strength.

Unfading Joy and Immeasurable Strength: Eulogy for Lindsey Sinclair Oliver (1982-2012) Read More »

The Spiritual Discipline of Social Media

I don’t want to ignore the negative aspects of social media in my life, but I also don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water and not take advantage of the positive aspects of social media. Here are some guiding principles that I am adopting to try to better harness the power of social media for good, and minimize the effect of social media for bad.

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