
How to Preach a Hypocritical Sermon

At some point, we are going to have to address issues that we ourselves have difficulty understanding and adhering to, we will inevitably call people to be obedient to a standard that we ourselves fall short of, and we will give advice and instruction to our churches that we need a healthy dose of ourselves. But this shouldn’t cause us to shy away from preaching the Word of God in all its fullness.

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Peter Enns on Doctrinal Tensions

The Christian life is one of balance and the process of living in this balance brings tension. Living in constant tension is tiring and in a desire to bring release we can find ourselves tipping the scales in favor of one emphasis over the other. I suspect that this is the cause of much of our debate and disunity in the body of Christ, and I think we would be better served by acknowledging and being satisfied with the tension rather than seeking to relieve it.

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The Humor of God

Humor can be credited to God in a way that does not diminish the weight of His holiness, nor take away from the solemnity that should accompany our reverence of Him. In fact, viewing God as humorous, if done correctly and biblically, through the lens of Scripture, actually serves to heighten our adoration of Him.

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