Elections are Never Merely Political

This quote by Al Mohler is something that is at once both true and false. It’s true in the sense that elections are clashes between ideas, ideologies, and worldviews. However, it’s false in the sense that [most] Christians actually understand this.

Now I think I’ve followed Mohler long enough to believe that he would probably agree with that statement (also, I didn’t listen to this episode of The Briefing so I’m not sure the context he said this in).

When we go to the voting booths in November, what we are attaching our names to is not merely a person and their policies, but a set of ideas, an ideological framework that informs our worldviews. We are endorsing the worldview of that candidate as the best, most helpful worldview for our nation. 

As Christians, I think this should give us pause to consider that we aren’t just electing a person, we are endorsing a worldview. And after the elections are done and the Christian evangelical votes are tallied, what will the world see as the worldview that American Christians support? 

In a recent Christianity Today article, Karen Swallow Prior rightly stated that “all our votes are based on a calculus. But human calculus cannot account for the calculus of God…I believe God honors most a vote cast in faith for the most godly candidate, no matter their electability.”

At this point in the process, I’m not up to advocating for any potential candidates or parties or dropping any names, but I am seriously considering these questions, and I hope you will too.

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