“…with you…”

“I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.” – Matthew 26:29

Mark’s description of this same event has Jesus saying that He will not drink of the fruit of the vine again until He “drink[s] it anew on that day in the Kingdom of God”, but Matthew’s account makes what Jesus says a bit more personal. Matthew adds the “with you” statement. Jesus will not drink of the fruit of the vine again until He drinks it anew “with you.”

Those two words are a fascinating and startling addition, really. Right now, at this moment, the exalted, glorified Christ, who has the entire universe at His disposal, is choosing to deprive Himself of a pleasure that He has every right to…”for you.”

But why? Is there something about our presence with Him in the renewed Kingdom that will make the wine that much sweeter? The meal that much more savory? The ritual that much more meaningful? I don’t know. I’m sure that there’s some theological explanation out there for this. Probably something to do with covenant theology or whatever. I bet I could find an answer buried in a commentary on my bookshelf or in the results of a Logos search. But for now, I’m not all too interested in why Jesus is doing what He’s doing, I’m just simply sitting in amazement at what He is doing.

Even now, after accomplishing all of His work, post-tetelesati, Christ is practicing patience and abstinence. He has no righteousness to prove, no law to fulfill, no character to perfect, but He still has love and joy that He wishes to share. I guess the shocking thing is that sharing that love and joy requires Him to continue to operate in a mode of sacrifice, something that love always seems to demand of its givers.

What kind of King is this?

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